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Release date Title
05-Apr-2024 RBI Monetary Policy: Yet another pause, inflation remains in focus
01-Mar-2024 Q3FY24 GDP growth at 8.4% beats expectations
12-Feb-2024 RBI Monetary Policy: Unchanged rates, fluid on liquidity
08-Dec-2023 RBI Monetary Policy: Status quo on rates, sanguine growth outlook
01-Dec-2023 Q2FY24 GDP growth at 7.6%: Positive surprise led by manufacturing and investment
06-Oct-2023 RBI Monetary Policy: Status quo on rates, focus on liquidity management
29-Sep-2023 CAD widened to 1.1% of GDP in Q1; uncertain outlook ahead
01-Sep-2023 Q1 FY24 GDP growth at 7.8% led by Services and Investment
10-Aug-2023 RBI Monetary Policy: Rates on hold, inflation revised up, liquidity tightened
28-Jun-2023 CAD contracts to 0.2% of GDP in Q4, expands in FY23
08-Jun-2023 RBI Monetary Policy: Hawkish pause again; inflation fight on
01-Jun-2023 Q4 FY23 GDP growth beats expectations
06-Apr-2023 RBI Monetary Policy: A (hawkish) “pause not a pivot”
08-Feb-2023 RBI Monetary Policy: 25bps hike with a hawkish tone
07-Dec-2022 RBI Monetary Policy: A hawkish 35bps hike
30-Nov-2022 Q2FY23 GDP growth at 6.3% meets expectations
30-Sep-2022 RBI Monetary Policy: A 50bps hike on expected lines
05-Aug-2022 RBI Monetary Policy: Rate hikes to continue
24-Jun-2022 Q4FY22 BoP slips into deficit; external situation in FY23 to worsen
08-Jun-2022 RBI Monetary Policy: 50bps rate hike—A lost opportunity?
01-Jun-2022 FY22 GDP growth at 8.7% miss CSO’s SAE; Maintain FY23 GDP growth at 6.5%
08-Apr-2022 RBI Monetary Policy: Inflation (finally) takes precedence
03-Apr-2022 Q3FY22 current account deficit widens on higher imports, external risks rising
10-Feb-2022 RBI Monetary Policy: Divergent policy focus remains on growth
03-Jan-2022 Current account deficit widened to a nine-quarter high in Q2 on higher imports
08-Dec-2021 RBI Monetary Policy: Liquidity normalisation over policy tightening for now
30-Nov-2021 Q2FY22 GDP at +8.4% meets expectations, FY22E revised to +9.5%
08-Oct-2021 RBI Monetary Policy: Status quo on rates/ stance, liquidity calibration underway
01-Oct-2021 Q1FY22 Current Account balance: A positive surprise; surplus after two quarters
01-Sep-2021 Q1FY22 GDP rebounds on a low base; retain FY22E at +9.2%
01-Jul-2021 FY21 Current Account: First surplus in 17 years; unlikely to continue
06-Aug-2021 RBI Monetary Policy: Inflation forecast raised; rate and stance maintained
04-Jun-2021 RBI Monetary Policy: Dovish pause; liquidity support strengthened and widened
01-Jun-2021 Broad-based recovery in Q4FY21 hit by the second wave; FY22E at 9.2%
13-May-2021 Industrial production rises and inflation eases on a favourable base
16-Apr-2021 Trade deficit widens in March on higher gold imports
12-Apr-2021 Growth-inflation dynamics turn unfavourable
07-Apr-2021 RBI Monetary Policy: Status quo on rates; liquidity support strengthened
01-Apr-2021 Current account balance slips into deficit in Q3; BoP rises to record-high levels
16-Mar-2021 Trade deficit narrows to three-month lows in February
12-Mar-2021 Growth-inflation dynamics turn unfavourable
27-Feb-2021 India beats recession in Q3FY21; FY21 GDP growth revised lower to -8%
15-Feb-2021 Retail inflation drops further; IIP rebounds
05-Feb-2021 RBI Monetary Policy: End of the rate-cut cycle; liquidity support to continue
17-Jan-2021 Trade deficit widens further on strong import growth
08-Jan-2021 FY21AE GDP: CSO factors in a decent recovery in H2 with FY21 GDP est. at -7.7%
31-Dec-2020 2Q BoP at record high led by current account surplus and robust capital flows
05-Dec-2020 RBI Monetary Policy: Status quo on rates; Inflation/growth forecasts upgraded
28-Nov-2020 Q2FY21 GDP points to a strong recovery; FY21E revised up to -8.0%
13-Nov-2020 Inflation firms up further; industrial recovery strengthens
16-Oct-2020 Trade deficit shrinks on a strong revival in exports
13-Oct-2020 Stimulus 3.0: Another attempt to spur aggregate demand
13-Oct-2020 Food inflation nears double-digits, IIP responds to Unlocks
09-Oct-2020 RBI Monetary Policy: Liquidity support over rate cuts for now
30-Sep-2020 Current account registers record surplus in Q1; FY21 surplus est. at 1.1% of GDP
16-Sep-2020 Trade deficit widens in August on weaker exports and higher gold imports
14-Sep-2020 Inflation remains elevated, industrial activity recovers further; RBI to stay put for now
01-Sep-2020 Q1FY21 GDP sees the worst-ever contraction; Our FY21E of -6% faces downside risks
17-Aug-2020 Trade balance slips into deficit again
14-Aug-2020 CPI inflation shoots up, Industrial activity recovers; RBI to keep rates on hold for now
06-Aug-2020 Status quo now doesn't preclude future cuts
31-Jul-2020 COVID-19 and beyond: The IMF's take on the world economy and prospects for India
15-Jul-2020 Trade balance turns surplus in June
13-Jul-2020 IIP contracts for the third month in a row; CPI inflation moderates but remains 6%+
01-Jul-2020 Current account balance turns surplus in Q4FY20; FY20 CAD at -0.9%
16-Jun-2020 Lockdown continues to hurt imports; exports witness a modest recovery
15-Jun-2020 IIP contracts sharply in April; Food inflation declines in May as supply improves
04-Jun-2020 The impact of COVID-19 on the agricultural economy of India and the way ahead
01-Jun-2020 Q4FY20 GDP data points to a protracted slowdown; revising FY21E to -6.0%
22-May-2020 RBI cuts policy rates by a further 40bps; eases liquidity and financial stress
17-May-2020 The Rs20trn Economic Package: Tranche 5 on NREGA, State Finances, Ease of Doing Business
16-May-2020 The Rs20trn Economic Package: Tranche 4 on structural reforms to push investments
15-May-2020 The Rs20trn Economic Package: Tranche 3 on Agriculture and Allied Sectors
14-May-2020 The Rs20trn Economic Package: Tranche 2 on Poor, Migrant Labour and Farmers
13-May-2020 The Rs20trn Economic Package: Tranche 1 on MSMEs/DISCOMs/EPF
13-May-2020 IIP contracts sharply; Flood inflation rises amid supply-side bottlenecks
27-Apr-2020 COVID-19: India Macro and Market Outlook
17-Apr-2020 RBI steps up policy response, over to the Government now
16-Apr-2020 March trade data reflects to the lockdown impact; policy response imperative
14-Apr-2020 CPI inflation moderates on lower vegetable prices; pick-up in IIP misleading
13-Apr-2020 RBI's Monetary Policy Report: India's growth outlook hit hard by COVID-19
27-Mar-2020 COVID-19 policy response: Rs1.7trn fiscal push, Rs3.74trn liquidity boost
16-Mar-2020 Weak domestic demand pulls down CAD to three-year lows in Q3FY20
11-Mar-2020 A bumpy ride of investments so far; set to meet further uncertainty ahead
02-Mar-2020 Q3FY20 GDP: Investments drag GDP growth to a 27-quarter low
06-Feb-2020 Spike in inflation keeps RBI on pause; accommodative stance retained
08-Jan-2020 FY20 AE GDP: Investments drag GDP growth to a decadal low of 5%
01-Jan-2020 CAD contracts in Q2FY20; weak demand to keep it under check in FY20
13-Dec-2019 CPI inflation surges to 40-month high; IIP contracts for the 3rd month in a row
05-Dec-2019 Status quo now doesn't preclude future cuts
02-Dec-2019 Monetary Policy: Weak Q2 GDP growth calls for another 25bps rate cut
29-Nov-2019 Q2FY20 GDP: Investments drag GDP growth to sub-5%
14-Nov-2019 CPI inflation breaches RBI’s target; IIP contracts for the 2nd consecutive month
15-Oct-2019 Rising food prices hit retail inflation; IIP growth lowest in the series
04-Oct-2019 Fifth rate cut this year, more in the offering; FY20 GDP est. cut sharply
01-Oct-2019 CAD widens in Q1FY20; weak demand to keep it under check in FY20
01-Oct-2019 Monetary policy: Growth over inflation for now; expect 25bps rate cut on Oct 4th
13-Sep-2019 Inflation remains benign; IIP picks up
30-Aug-2019 Q1FY20 GDP: Growth nosedives to 5%, the lowest in six years
14-Aug-2019 Inflation remains steady but IIP softens further
08-Aug-2019 Stable CPI inflation but weak industrial growth; trade deficit to widen
07-Aug-2019 Fourth rate cut this year, room for more; FY20GDP est. slashed
01-Aug-2019 Weak growth-inflation dynamics calls for another 25bps cut
16-Jul-2019 Inflation and IIP largely in-line; trade deficit remains unchanged
12-Jul-2019 CPI/IIP on a rise; temporary relief in trade deficit
01-Jul-2019 Fourth Quarter CAD narrows, reflecting weak demand conditions
13-Jun-2019 Rising food prices drive CPI inflation; April IIP surprises positively
12-Jun-2019 Macro data for April/May likely to be muted
06-Jun-2019 Third rate cut since Jan'19, and more to come; FY20 GDP est. at 7.0%
31-May-2019 Q4FY19 GDP disappoints: Growth down to 5.8%
04-Apr-2019 RBI cuts repo by another 25bps on expected lines

Download Entire Factbook 2018 (.pdf)

Chapter 1: National Stock Exchange of India Ltd

Section Particulars
Table 1-1 Trading Value of different market segments
Table 1-2 Market Capitalisation of different market segments
Table 1-3 Records reached in different market segments (data from inception to March 31, 2018)
Table 1-4 Board of Directors of NSEIL

Chapter 2: Membership

Section Particulars
Table 2-1 Eligibility criteria for membership
Table 2-2 Growth and distribution of members

Chapter 3: Listing of Securities

Section Particulars
Table 3-1 Listing criteria for companies on the CM segment of NSE
Table 3-2 Listing fees in the CM segment
Table 3-3 Companies listed, Permitted to trade, Available for trading on the CM segment
Table 3-4 Shareholding pattern at the end of March 2018 for companies listed at NSE
Table 3-5 Pledged shares data as of March 2018
Table 3-6 Eligibility criteria for securities on Debt segment
Table 3-7 Securities available for trading on Debt segment (as on March 31, 2018)
Table 3-8 Funds mobilisation on the Exchange
Table 3-9 Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) of Equity Shares during 2017-18
Table 3-10 Resource mobilization through public issue of NCDs during 2017-18
Table 3-11 Rights issues during 2017-18
Table 3-12 Preferential allotments by NSE listed companies during 2017-18
Table 3-13 Amount raised through QIP during 2017-18
Table 3-14 Companies De-listed during 2017-18

Chapter 4: Capital Market Segment

Section Particulars
Table 4-1 Business growth of CM segment
Table 4-2 Frequency distribution of companies traded
Table 4-3 Trading frequency of companies in Cash segment during 2017-18
Table 4-4 Advances/Declines in Cash Segment of NSE during 2017-18 (No. of securities)
Table 4-5 City-wise turnover in the CM segment
Table 4-6 Internet Trading Value in the CM segment in comparison with total trading volumes at NSE??
Table 4-7 Name of Asset Management Companies with MFs listed on NSE as of March 2018
Table 4-8 NSE CM transaction charges
Table 4-9 The existing rates of Securities Transaction Tax (STT) for CM segment
Table 4-10 Percentage Share of Top 'N' Securities/ Member in Turnover
Table 4-11 50' Most Active Securities during 2017-18 in Terms of Trading Value
Table 4-12 Top '50' Companies by Market Capitalisation as on March 31, 2018
Table 4-13 NSE's 10 Most Active Trading days during the year 2017-18
Table 4-14 Individual Securities Single day Trading Records in 2017-18
Table 4-15 Composition of Nifty 50 Index as on March 31, 2018
Table 4-16 Composition of Nifty Next 50 Index as on March 31, 2018
Table 4-17 Industry-wise Weightages of NIFTY 50 Securities as on March 31, 2018
Table 4-18 NIFTY 50 Index
Table 4-19 NIFTY Next 50 Index
Table 4-20 Performance of NSE Indices during the year 2017-18
Table 4-21 Mutual funds/ETFs: No of Trades and Trading value
Table 4-22 Settlement Statistics for CM segment

Chapter 5: Debt Market segment

Section Particulars
Table 5-1 Business Growth of Debt Segment
Table 5-2 Security-wise distribution of Debt Trades
Table 5-3 Participant wise distribution of Debt turnover
Table 5-4 Share of Top 'N' securities/Trading Members/Participants in Turnover in Debt Segment
Table 5-5 Market Capitalisation of Debt Securities
Table 5-6 Corporate Bond trades at NSE (2017-18)

Chapter 6: Equity Futures & Options segment

Section Particulars
Table 6-1 Business Growth of Futures & Options Market Segment
Table 6-2 Benchmark Indices Contracts & Trading Volume in F&O segment of NSE (2017-18)
Table 6-3 Internet Trading in the F&O Segment of the Exchange
Table 6-4 Records achieved in the F&O segment: 2017-18
Table 6-5 Participant Wise Trading Value in the F&O Segment (2017-18)
Table 6-6 Number of members in different turnover brackets in Futures and Options Segment
Table 6-7 Number of members in different turnover brackets in Futures and Options segment
Table 6-8 Segment wise contribution of Top 'N' Members to turnover on Futures and Options segment
Table 6-9 Top 20 Futures contracts according to number of contracts traded in 2017-18
Table 6-10 Top 20 Option contracts according to number of contracts traded in 2017-18
Table 6-11 Number of trades in the Futures & Options segment
Table 6-12 Settlement Statistics in F&O segment

Chapter 7: Currency Derivatives Segment

Section Particulars
Table 7-1 Business Growth of Currency Derivatives Segment at NSE
Table 7-2 Records achieved in the Currency Futures & Options
Table 7-3 Top 5 Currency Futures & Options Contracts on the basis of turnover for the FY 2017-18
Table 7-4 Settlement Statistics of Currency Derivatives Segment at NSE
Table 7-5 Business Growth of Interest Rate Futures
Table 7-6 Records Achieved in the Interest Rate Futures
Table 7-7 Top 5 IRD Contracts on the basis of Turnover for the FY 2017-18
Table 7-8 Settlement Statistics in Interest Rate Futures Segment at NSE

Chapter 8: Investor Services, Arbitration

Section Particulars
Table 8-1 Receipt and Disposal of Investor's Grievance
Table 8-2 Status Report of Arbitration matters

Download Entire Factbook 2017 (.pdf)

Chapter 1: National Stock Exchange of India Ltd

Section Particulars
Table 1-1 Trading Value of different market segments
Table 1-2 Market Capitalisation of different market segments
Table 1-3 Records reached in different market segments (data from inception to March 31, 2017)
Table 1-4 Board of Directors of NSEIL

Chapter 2: Membership

Section Particulars
Table 2-1 Eligibility criteria for membership
Table 2-2 Growth and distribution of members

Chapter 3: Listing of Securities

Section Particulars
Table 3-1 Listing criteria for companies on the CM segment of NSE
Table 3-2 Listing fees in the CM segment
Table 3-3 Companies listed, Permitted to trade, Available for trading on the CM segment
Table 3-4 Shareholding pattern at the end of March 2017 for companies listed at NSE
Table 3-5 Pledged shares data as of March 2017
Table 3-6 Eligibility criteria for securities on Debt segment
Table 3-7 Securities available for trading on Debt segment (as on March 31, 2017)
Table 3-8 Funds mobilisation on the Exchange
Table 3-9 Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) of Equity Shares during 2016-17
Table 3-10 Resource mobilization through public issue of NCDs during 2016-17
Table 3-11 Rights issues during 2016-17
Table 3-12 Preferential allotments by NSE listed companies during 2016-17
Table 3-13 Amount raised through QIP during 2016-17
Table 3-14 Companies De-listed during 2016-17

Chapter 4: Capital Market Segment

Section Particulars
Table 4-1 Business growth of CM segment
Table 4-2 Frequency distribution of companies traded
Table 4-3 Trading frequency of companies in Cash segment during 2016-17
Table 4-4 Advances/Declines in Cash Segment of NSE during 2016-17 (No. of securities)
Table 4-5 City-wise turnover in the CM segment
Table 4-6 Internet Trading Value in the CM segment in comparison with total trading volumes at NSE??
Table 4-7 Name of Asset Management Companies with MFs listed on NSE as of March 2017
Table 4-8 NSE CM transaction charges
Table 4-9 The existing rates of Securities Transaction Tax (STT) for CM segment
Table 4-10 Percentage Share of Top 'N' Securities/ Member in Turnover
Table 4-11 50' Most Active Securities during 2016-17 in Terms of Trading Value
Table 4-12 Top '50' Companies by Market Capitalisation as on March 31, 2017
Table 4-13 NSE's 10 Most Active Trading days during the year 2016-17
Table 4-14 Individual Securities Single day Trading Records in 2016-17
Table 4-15 Composition of Nifty 50 Index as on March 31, 2017
Table 4-16 Composition of Nifty Next 50 Index as on March 31, 2017
Table 4-17 Industry-wise Weightages of NIFTY 50 Securities as on March 31, 2017
Table 4-18 NIFTY 50 Index
Table 4-19 NIFTY Next 50 Index
Table 4-20 Performance of NSE Indices during the year 2016-17
Table 4-21 Mutual funds/ETFs: No of Trades and Trading value
Table 4-22 Settlement Statistics for CM segment

Chapter 5: Debt Market segment

Section Particulars
Table 5-1 Business Growth of Debt Segment
Table 5-2 Security-wise distribution of Debt Trades
Table 5-3 Participant wise distribution of Debt turnover
Table 5-4 Share of Top 'N' securities/Trading Members/Participants in Turnover in Debt Segment
Table 5-5 Market Capitalisation of Debt Securities
Table 5-6 Corporate Bond trades at NSE (2016-17)

Chapter 6: Equity Futures & Options segment

Section Particulars
Table 6-1 Business Growth of Futures & Options Market Segment
Table 6-2 Benchmark Indices Contracts & Trading Volume in F&O segment of NSE (2016-17)
Table 6-3 Internet Trading in the F&O Segment of the Exchange
Table 6-4 Records achieved in the F&O segment: 2016-17
Table 6-5 Participant Wise Trading Value in the F&O Segment (2016-17)
Table 6-6 Number of members in different turnover brackets in Futures and Options Segment
Table 6-7 Number of members in different turnover brackets in Futures and Options segment
Table 6-8 Segment wise contribution of Top 'N' Members to turnover on Futures and Options segment
Table 6-9 Top 20 Futures contracts according to number of contracts traded in 2016-17
Table 6-10 Top 20 Option contracts according to number of contracts traded in 2016-17
Table 6-11 Number of trades in the Futures & Options segment
Table 6-12 Settlement Statistics in F&O segment

Chapter 7: Currency Derivatives Segment

Section Particulars
Table 7-1 Business Growth of Currency Derivatives Segment at NSE
Table 7-2 Records achieved in the Currency Futures & Options
Table 7-3 Top 5 Currency Futures & Options Contracts on the basis of turnover for the FY 2016-17
Table 7-4 Settlement Statistics of Currency Derivatives Segment at NSE
Table 7-5 Business Growth of Interest Rate Futures
Table 7-6 Records Achieved in the Interest Rate Futures
Table 7-7 Top 5 IRD Contracts on the basis of Turnover for the FY 2016-17
Table 7-8 Settlement Statistics in Interest Rate Futures Segment at NSE

Chapter 8: Investor Services, Arbitration

Section Particulars
Table 8-1 Receipt and Disposal of Investor's Grievance
Table 8-2 Status Report of Arbitration matters


Download Entire Factbook 2016 (.pdf)

Chapter 1: National Stock Exchange of India Ltd

Section Particulars
Table 1-1 Trading Value of different market segments
Table 1-2 Market Capitalisation of different market segments
Table 1-3 Records reached in different market segments (data from inception to March 31, 2016)
Table 1-4 Board of Directors of NSEIL

Chapter 2: Membership

Section Particulars
Table 2-1 Eligibility criteria for membership
Table 2-2 Growth and distribution of members

Chapter 3: Listing of Securities

Section Particulars
Table 3-1 Listing criteria for companies on the CM segment of NSE
Table 3-2 Listing fees in the CM segment
Table 3-3 Companies listed, Permitted to trade, Available for trading on the CM segment
Table 3-4 Shareholding pattern at the end of March 2016 for companies listed at NSE
Table 3-5 Pledged shares data as of March 2016
Table 3-6 Eligibility criteria for securities on Debt segment
Table 3-7 Securities available for trading on Debt segment (as on March 31, 2016)
Table 3-8 Funds mobilisation on the Exchange
Table 3-9 Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) of Equity Shares during 2015-16
Table 3-10 Resource mobilization through public issue of NCDs during 2015-16
Table 3-11 Rights issues during 2015-16
Table 3-12 Preferential allotments by NSE listed companies during 2015-16
Table 3-13 Amount raised through QIP during 2015-16
Table 3-14 Companies De-listed during 2015-16

Chapter 4: Capital Market Segment

Section Particulars
Table 4-1 Business growth of CM segment
Table 4-2 Frequency distribution of companies traded
Table 4-3 Trading frequency of companies in Cash segment during 2015-16
Table 4-4 Advances/Declines in Cash Segment of NSE during 2015-16 (No. of securities)
Table 4-5 City-wise turnover in the CM segment
Table 4-6 Internet Trading Value in the CM segment in comparison with total trading volumes at NSE??
Table 4-7 Name of Asset Management Companies with MFs listed on NSE as of March 2016
Table 4-8 NSE CM transaction charges
Table 4-9 The existing rates of Securities Transaction Tax (STT) for CM segment
Table 4-10 Percentage Share of Top 'N' Securities/ Member in Turnover
Table 4-11 50' Most Active Securities during 2015-16 in Terms of Trading Value
Table 4-12 Top '50' Companies by Market Capitalisation as on March 31, 2016
Table 4-13 NSE's 10 Most Active Trading days during the year 2015-16
Table 4-14 Individual Securities Single day Trading Records in 2015-16
Table 4-15 Composition of Nifty 50 Index as on March 31, 2016
Table 4-16 Composition of Nifty Next 50 Index as on March 31, 2016
Table 4-17 Industry-wise Weightages of NIFTY 50 Securities as on March 31, 2016
Table 4-18 NIFTY 50 Index
Table 4-19 NIFTY Next 50 Index
Table 4-20 Performance of NSE Indices during the year 2015-16
Table 4-21 Mutual funds/ETFs: No of Trades and Trading value
Table 4-22 Settlement Statistics for CM segment

Chapter 5: Debt Market segment

Section Particulars
Table 5-1 Business Growth of Debt Segment
Table 5-2 Security-wise distribution of Debt Trades
Table 5-3 Participant wise distribution of Debt turnover
Table 5-4 Share of Top 'N' securities/Trading Members/Participants in Turnover in Debt Segment
Table 5-5 Market Capitalisation of Debt Securities
Table 5-6 FIMMDA NSE MIBID/MIBOR rates in 2015-16
Table 5-7 1-day Value-at-Risk (99%) for Government of India Securities Traded as on June 30, 2015
Table 5-8 Corporate Bond trades at NSE (2015-16)

Chapter 6: Equity Futures & Options segment

Section Particulars
Table 6-1 Business Growth of Futures & Options Market Segment
Table 6-2 Benchmark Indices Contracts & Trading Volume in F&O segment of NSE (2015-16)
Table 6-3 Internet Trading in the F&O Segment of the Exchange
Table 6-4 Records achieved in the F&O segment: 2015-16
Table 6-5 Participant Wise Trading Value in the F&O Segment (2015-16)
Table 6-6 Number of members in different turnover brackets in Futures and Options Segment
Table 6-7 Number of members in different turnover brackets in Futures and Options segment
Table 6-8 Segment wise contribution of Top 'N' Members to turnover on Futures and Options segment
Table 6-9 Top 20 Futures contracts according to number of contracts traded in 2015-16
Table 6-10 Top 20 Option contracts according to number of contracts traded in 2015-16
Table 6-11 Number of trades in the Futures & Options segment
Table 6-12 Settlement Statistics in F&O segment

Chapter 7: Currency Derivatives Segment

Section Particulars
Table 7-1 Business Growth of Currency Derivatives Segment at NSE
Table 7-2 Records achieved in the Currency Futures & Options
Table 7-3 Top 5 Currency Futures & Options Contracts on the basis of turnover for the FY 2015-16
Table 7-4 Settlement Statistics of Currency Derivatives Segment at NSE
Table 7-5 Business Growth of Interest Rate Futures
Table 7-6 Records Achieved in the Interest Rate Futures
Table 7-7 Top 5 IRD Contracts on the basis of Turnover for the FY 2015-16
Table 7-8 Settlement Statistics in Interest Rate Futures Segment at NSE

Chapter 8: Investor Services, Arbitration

Section Particulars
Table 8-1 Receipt and Disposal of Investor's Grievance
Table 8-2 Status Report of Arbitration matters

Download Entire Factbook 2015 (.pdf)

Chapter 1: National Stock Exchange of India Ltd

Section Particulars
Table 1-1 Trading Value of different market segments
Table 1-2 Market Capitalisation of different market segments
Table 1-3 Records reached in different market segments (data from inception to March 2015)
Table 1-4 Board of Directors of NSEIL

Chapter 2: Membership

Section Particulars
Table 2-1 Eligibility criteria for membership
Table 2-2 Growth and distribution of members

Chapter 3: Listing of Securities

Section Particulars
Table 3-1 Listing criteria for companies on the CM segment of NSE
Table 3-2 Listing fees in the CM segment
Table 3-3 Companies listed, Permitted to trade, Available for trading on the CM segment
Table 3-4 Shareholding pattern at the end of March 2015 for companies listed at NSE
Table 3-5 Pledged shares data as of March 2015
Table 3-6 Eligibility criteria for securities on Debt segment
Table 3-7 Securities available for trading on Debt segment (as on March 31, 2015)
Table 3-8 Funds mobilisation on the Exchange
Table 3-9 Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) of Equity Shares during 2014-15
Table 3-10 Resource mobilization through public issue of NCDs during 2014-15
Table 3-11 Rights issues during 2014-15
Table 3-12 Preferential allotments by NSE listed companies during 2014-15
Table 3-13 Amount raised through QIP during 2014-15
Table 3-14 Companies De-listed during 2014-15

Chapter 4: Capital Market Segment

Section Particulars
Table 4-1 Business growth of CM segment
Table 4-2 Frequency distribution of companies traded
Table 4-3 Trading frequency of companies in CM segment during 2014-15
Table 4-4 Advances/Declines in Cash Segment of NSE during 2014-15 (No. of securities)
Table 4-5 City-wise turnover in the CM segment
Table 4-6 Internet Trading Value in the CM segment in comparison with total trading volumes at NSE??
Table 4-7 Name of Asset Management Companies with MFs listed on NSE as of March 2015
Table 4-8 NSE CM transaction charges
Table 4-9 The existing rates of Securities Transaction Tax (STT) for CM segment
Table 4-10 Percentage Share of Top 'N' Securities/ Member in Turnover
Table 4-11 50' Most Active Securities during 2014-15 in Terms of Trading Value
Table 4-12 Top '50' Companies by Market Capitalisation as on March 31, 2015
Table 4-13 NSE's 10 Most Active Trading days during the year 2014-15
Table 4-14 Individual Securities Single day Trading Records in 2014-15
Table 4-15 Composition of CNX Nifty Index as on March 31, 2015
Table 4-16 Composition of CNX Nifty Junior Index as on March 31, 2015
Table 4-17 Industry-wise Weightages of CNX NIFTY Securities as on March 31, 2015
Table 4-18 CNX NIFTY Index
Table 4-19 CNX NIFTY Junior 50 Index
Table 4-20 Performance of NSE Indices during the year 2014-15
Table 4-21 Mutual funds/ETFs: No of Trades and Trading value
Table 4-22 Settlement Statistics for CM segment

Chapter 5: Debt Market segment

Section Particulars
Table 5-1 Business Growth of WDM Segment
Table 5-2 Security-wise distribution of WDM Trades
Table 5-3 Participant wise distribution of WDM turnover
Table 5-4 Share of Top 'N' securities/Trading Members/Participants in Turnover in WDM Segment
Table 5-5 Market Capitalisation of WDM Securities
Table 5-6 FIMMDA NSE MIBID/MIBOR rates in 2014-15
Table 5-7 1-day Value-at-Risk (99%) for Government of India Securities Traded as on March 31, 2015
Table 5-8 Corporate Bond trades at NSE (2014-15)

Chapter 6: Equity Futures & Options segment

Section Particulars
Table 6-1 Business Growth of Futures & Options Market Segment
Table 6-2 Benchmark Indices Contracts & Trading Volume in F&O segment of NSE (2014-15)
Table 6-3 Internet Trading in the F&O Segment of the Exchange
Table 6-4 Records achieved in the F&O segment: 2014-15
Table 6-5 Participant Wise Trading Value in the F&O Segment (2014-15)
Table 6-6 Number of members in different turnover brackets in Futures and Options Segment
Table 6-7 Number of members in different turnover brackets in Futures and Options segment
Table 6-8 Segment wise contribution of Top 'N' Members to turnover on Futures and Options segment
Table 6-9 Top 20 Futures contracts according to number of contracts traded in 2014-15
Table 6-10 Top 20 Option contracts according to number of contracts traded in 2014-15
Table 6-11 Number of trades in the Futures & Options segment
Table 6-12 Settlement Statistics in F&O segment

Chapter 7: Currency Derivatives Segment

Section Particulars
Table 7-1 Business Growth of Currency Derivatives Segment at NSE
Table 7-2 Records achieved in the Currency Futures & Options: Records (from the date of inception till end - March 2015)
Table 7-3 Top 5 Currency Futures & Options Contracts on the basis of turnover for the FY 2014-15
Table 7-4 Settlement Statistics of Currency Derivatives Segment at NSE
Table 7-5 Business Growth of Interest Rate Futures
Table 7-6 Records Achieved in the Interest Rate Futures: Records (From the date of inception till end - March 2015)
Table 7-7 Top 5 IRD Contracts on the basis of Turnover for the FY 2014-15
Table 7-8 Settlement Statistics in Interest Rate Futures Segment at NSE

Chapter 8: Investor Services, Arbitration

Section Particulars
Table 8-1 Receipt and Disposal of Investor's Grievance
Table 8-2 Status Report of Arbitration matters

Download Entire Factbook 2014 (.pdf)

Chapter 1: National Stock Exchange of India Ltd

Section Particulars
Table 1-1 Trading Value of different market segments
Table 1-2 Market Capitalisation of different market segments
Table 1-3 Records reached in different market segments (data from inception to March 31, 2014)
Table 1-4 Board of Directors of NSEIL

Chapter 2: Membership

Section Particulars
Table 2-1 Eligibility criteria for membership
Table 2-2 Growth and distribution of members

Chapter 3: Listing of Securities

Section Particulars
Table 3-1 Listing criteria for companies on the CM segment of NSE
Table 3-2 Listing fees in the CM segment
Table 3-3 Companies listed, Permitted to trade, Available for trading on the CM segment
Table 3-4 Shareholding pattern at the end of March 2014 for companies listed at NSE
Table 3-5 Pledged shares data as of March 2014
Table 3-6 Eligibility criteria for securities on Debt segment
Table 3-7 Securities available for trading on Debt segment (as on March 31, 2014)
Table 3-8 Funds mobilisation on the Exchange
Table 3-9 Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) of Equity Shares during 2013-14
Table 3-10 Resource mobilization through public issue of NCDs during 2013-14
Table 3-11 Rights issues during 2013-14
Table 3-12 Preferential allotments by NSE listed companies during 2013-14
Table 3-13 Amount raised through QIP during 2013-14
Table 3-14 Companies De-listed during 2013-14

Chapter 4: Capital Market Segment

Section Particulars
Table 4-1 Business growth of CM segment
Table 4-2 Frequency distribution of companies traded
Table 4-3 Trading frequency of companies in Cash segment during 2013-14
Table 4-4 Advances/Declines in Cash Segment of NSE during 2013-14 (No. of securities)
Table 4-5 City-wise turnover in the CM segment
Table 4-6 Internet Trading Value in the CM segment in comparison with total trading volumes at NSE?
Table 4-7 Name of Asset Management Companies with MFs listed on NSE as of March 2014
Table 4-8 NSE CM transaction charges
Table 4-9 The existing rates of Securities Transaction Tax (STT) for CM segment
Table 4-10 Percentage Share of Top 'N' Securities/ Member in Turnover
Table 4-11 50' Most Active Securities during 2013-14 in Terms of Trading Value
Table 4-12 Top '50' Companies by Market Capitalisation as on March 31, 2014
Table 4-13 NSE's 10 Most Active Trading days during the year 2013-14
Table 4-14 Individual Securities Single day Trading Records in 2014-14
Table 4-15 Composition of Nifty 50 Index as on March 31, 2014
Table 4-16 Composition of Nifty Next 50 Index as on March 31, 2014
Table 4-17 Industry-wise Weightages of NIFTY 50 Securities as on March 31, 2014
Table 4-18 NIFTY 50 Index
Table 4-19 NIFTY Next 50 Index
Table 4-20 Performance of NSE Indices during the year 2013-14
Table 4-21 Mutual funds/ETFs: No of Trades and Trading value
Table 4-22 Settlement Statistics for CM segment

Chapter 5: Debt Market segment

Section Particulars
Table 5-1 Business Growth of Debt Segment
Table 5-2 Security-wise distribution of Debt Trades
Table 5-3 Participant wise distribution of Debt turnover
Table 5-4 Share of Top 'N' securities/Trading Members/Participants in Turnover in Debt Segment
Table 5-5 Market Capitalisation of Debt Securities
Table 5-6 Corporate Bond trades at NSE (2013-14)

Chapter 6: Equity Futures & Options segment

Section Particulars
Table 6-1 Business Growth of Futures & Options Market Segment
Table 6-2 Benchmark Indices Contracts & Trading Volume in F&O segment of NSE (2013-14)
Table 6-3 Internet Trading in the F&O Segment of the Exchange
Table 6-4 Records achieved in the F&O segment: 2013-14
Table 6-5 Participant Wise Trading Value in the F&O Segment (2013-14)
Table 6-6 Number of members in different turnover brackets in Futures and Options Segment
Table 6-7 Number of members in different turnover brackets in Futures and Options segment
Table 6-8 Segment wise contribution of Top 'N' Members to turnover on Futures and Options segment
Table 6-9 Top 20 Futures contracts according to number of contracts traded in 2013-14
Table 6-10 Top 20 Option contracts according to number of contracts traded in 2013-14
Table 6-11 Number of trades in the Futures & Options segment
Table 6-12 Settlement Statistics in F&O segment

Chapter 7: Currency Derivatives Segment

Section Particulars
Table 7-1 Business Growth of Currency Derivatives Segment at NSE
Table 7-2 Records achieved in the Currency Futures & Options
Table 7-3 Top 5 Currency Futures & Options Contracts on the basis of turnover for the FY 2013-14
Table 7-4 Settlement Statistics of Currency Derivatives Segment at NSE
Table 7-5 Business Growth of Interest Rate Futures
Table 7-6 Records Achieved in the Interest Rate Futures
Table 7-7 Top 5 IRD Contracts on the basis of Turnover for the FY 2013-14
Table 7-8 Settlement Statistics in Interest Rate Futures Segment at NSE

Chapter 8: Investor Services, Arbitration

Section Particulars
Table 8-1 Receipt and Disposal of Investor's Grievance
Table 8-2 Status Report of Arbitration matters

Chapter 1: National Stock Exchange of India Ltd

Section Particulars
Table 1-1 Trading Value of different market segments
Table 1-2 Market Capitalisation of different market segments
Table 1-3 Records reached in different market segments (data from inception to March 31, 2013)
Table 1-4 Board of Directors of NSEIL

Chapter 2: Membership

Section Particulars
Table 2-1 Eligibility criteria for membership
Table 2-2 Growth and distribution of members

Chapter 3: Listing of Securities

Section Particulars
Table 3-1 Listing criteria for companies on the CM segment of NSE
Table 3-2 Listing fees in the CM segment
Table 3-3 Companies listed, Permitted to trade, Available for trading on the CM segment
Table 3-4 Shareholding pattern at the end of March 2014 for companies listed at NSE
Table 3-5 Pledged shares data as of March 2013
Table 3-6 Eligibility criteria for securities on Debt segment
Table 3-7 Securities available for trading on Debt segment (as on March 31, 2013)
Table 3-8 Funds mobilisation on the Exchange
Table 3-9 Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) of Equity Shares during 2012-13
Table 3-10 Resource mobilization through public issue of NCDs during 2012-13
Table 3-11 Rights issues during 2012-13
Table 3-12 Preferential allotments by NSE listed companies during 2012-13
Table 3-13 Amount raised through QIP during 2012-13
Table 3-14 Companies De-listed during 2012-13

Chapter 4: Capital Market Segment

Section Particulars
Table 4-1 Business growth of CM segment
Table 4-2 Frequency distribution of companies traded
Table 4-3 Trading frequency of companies in Cash segment during 2012-13
Table 4-4 Advances/Declines in Cash Segment of NSE during 2012-13 (No. of securities)
Table 4-5 City-wise turnover in the CM segment
Table 4-6 Internet Trading Value in the CM segment in comparison with total trading volumes at NSE??
Table 4-7 Name of Asset Management Companies with MFs listed on NSE as of March 2013
Table 4-8 NSE CM transaction charges
Table 4-9 The existing rates of Securities Transaction Tax (STT) for CM segment
Table 4-10 Percentage Share of Top 'N' Securities/ Member in Turnover
Table 4-11 50' Most Active Securities during 2012-13 in Terms of Trading Value
Table 4-12 Top '50' Companies by Market Capitalisation as on March 31, 2013
Table 4-13 NSE's 10 Most Active Trading days during the year 2012-13
Table 4-14 Individual Securities Single day Trading Records in 2012-13
Table 4-15 Composition of Nifty 50 Index as on March 31, 2013
Table 4-16 Composition of Nifty Next 50 Index as on March 31, 2013
Table 4-17 Industry-wise Weightages of NIFTY 50 Securities as on March 31, 2013
Table 4-18 NIFTY 50 Index
Table 4-19 NIFTY Next 50 Index
Table 4-20 Performance of NSE Indices during the year 2012-13
Table 4-21 Mutual funds/ETFs: No of Trades and Trading value
Table 4-22 Settlement Statistics for CM segment

Chapter 5: Debt Market segment

Section Particulars
Table 5-1 Business Growth of Debt Segment
Table 5-2 Security-wise distribution of Debt Trades
Table 5-3 Participant wise distribution of Debt turnover
Table 5-4 Share of Top 'N' securities/Trading Members/Participants in Turnover in Debt Segment
Table 5-5 Market Capitalisation of Debt Securities
Table 5-6 Corporate Bond trades at NSE (2012-13)

Chapter 6: Equity Futures & Options segment

Section Particulars
Table 6-1 Business Growth of Futures & Options Market Segment
Table 6-2 Benchmark Indices Contracts & Trading Volume in F&O segment of NSE (2012-13)
Table 6-3 Internet Trading in the F&O Segment of the Exchange
Table 6-4 Records achieved in the F&O segment: 2012-13
Table 6-5 Participant Wise Trading Value in the F&O Segment (2012-13)
Table 6-6 Number of members in different turnover brackets in Futures and Options Segment
Table 6-7 Number of members in different turnover brackets in Futures and Options segment
Table 6-8 Segment wise contribution of Top 'N' Members to turnover on Futures and Options segment
Table 6-9 Top 20 Futures contracts according to number of contracts traded in 2012-13
Table 6-10 Top 20 Option contracts according to number of contracts traded in 2012-13
Table 6-11 Number of trades in the Futures & Options segment
Table 6-12 Settlement Statistics in F&O segment

Chapter 7: Currency Derivatives Segment

Section Particulars
Table 7-1 Business Growth of Currency Derivatives Segment at NSE
Table 7-2 Records achieved in the Currency Futures & Options
Table 7-3 Top 5 Currency Futures & Options Contracts on the basis of turnover for the FY 2012-13
Table 7-4 Settlement Statistics of Currency Derivatives Segment at NSE
Table 7-5 Business Growth of Interest Rate Futures
Table 7-6 Records Achieved in the Interest Rate Futures
Table 7-7 Top 5 IRD Contracts on the basis of Turnover for the FY 2012-13
Table 7-8 Settlement Statistics in Interest Rate Futures Segment at NSE

Chapter 8: Investor Services, Arbitration

Section Particulars
Table 8-1 Receipt and Disposal of Investor's Grievance
Table 8-2 Status Report of Arbitration matters

Chapter 1: National Stock Exchange of India Ltd

Section Particulars
Table 1-1 Trading Value of different market segments
Table 1-2 Market Capitalisation of different market segments
Table 1-3 Records reached in different market segments (data from inception to March 31, 2012)
Table 1-4 Board of Directors of NSEIL

Chapter 2: Membership

Section Particulars
Table 2-1 Eligibility criteria for membership
Table 2-2 Growth and distribution of members

Chapter 3: Listing of Securities

Section Particulars
Table 3-1 Listing criteria for companies on the CM segment of NSE
Table 3-2 Listing fees in the CM segment
Table 3-3 Companies listed, Permitted to trade, Available for trading on the CM segment
Table 3-4 Shareholding pattern at the end of March 2014 for companies listed at NSE
Table 3-5 Pledged shares data as of March 2012
Table 3-6 Eligibility criteria for securities on Debt segment
Table 3-7 Securities available for trading on Debt segment (as on March 31, 2012)
Table 3-8 Funds mobilisation on the Exchange
Table 3-9 Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) of Equity Shares during 2011-12
Table 3-10 Resource mobilization through public issue of NCDs during 2011-12
Table 3-11 Rights issues during 2011-12
Table 3-12 Preferential allotments by NSE listed companies during 2011-12
Table 3-13 Amount raised through QIP during 2011-12
Table 3-14 Companies De-listed during 2011-12

Chapter 4: Capital Market Segment

Section Particulars
Table 4-1 Business growth of CM segment
Table 4-2 Frequency distribution of companies traded
Table 4-3 Trading frequency of companies in Cash segment during 2011-12
Table 4-4 Advances/Declines in Cash Segment of NSE during 2011-12 (No. of securities)
Table 4-5 City-wise turnover in the CM segment
Table 4-6 Internet Trading Value in the CM segment in comparison with total trading volumes at NSE??
Table 4-7 Name of Asset Management Companies with MFs listed on NSE as of March 2012
Table 4-8 NSE CM transaction charges
Table 4-9 The existing rates of Securities Transaction Tax (STT) for CM segment
Table 4-10 Percentage Share of Top 'N' Securities/ Member in Turnover
Table 4-11 50' Most Active Securities during 2011-12 in Terms of Trading Value
Table 4-12 Top '50' Companies by Market Capitalisation as on March 31, 2012
Table 4-13 NSE's 10 Most Active Trading days during the year 2011-12
Table 4-14 Individual Securities Single day Trading Records in 2011-12
Table 4-15 Composition of Nifty 50 Index as on March 31, 2012
Table 4-16 Composition of Nifty Next 50 Index as on March 31, 2012
Table 4-17 Industry-wise Weightages of NIFTY 50 Securities as on March 31, 2012
Table 4-18 NIFTY 50 Index
Table 4-19 NIFTY Next 50 Index
Table 4-20 Performance of NSE Indices during the year 2011-12
Table 4-21 Mutual funds/ETFs: No of Trades and Trading value
Table 4-22 Settlement Statistics for CM segment

Chapter 5: Debt Market segment

Section Particulars
Table 5-1 Business Growth of Debt Segment
Table 5-2 Security-wise distribution of Debt Trades
Table 5-3 Participant wise distribution of Debt turnover
Table 5-4 Share of Top 'N' securities/Trading Members/Participants in Turnover in Debt Segment
Table 5-5 Market Capitalisation of Debt Securities
Table 5-6 Corporate Bond trades at NSE (2011-12)

Chapter 6: Equity Futures & Options segment

Section Particulars
Table 6-1 Business Growth of Futures & Options Market Segment
Table 6-2 Benchmark Indices Contracts & Trading Volume in F&O segment of NSE (2011-12)
Table 6-3 Internet Trading in the F&O Segment of the Exchange
Table 6-4 Records achieved in the F&O segment: 2011-12
Table 6-5 Participant Wise Trading Value in the F&O Segment (2011-12)
Table 6-6 Number of members in different turnover brackets in Futures and Options Segment
Table 6-7 Number of members in different turnover brackets in Futures and Options segment
Table 6-8 Segment wise contribution of Top 'N' Members to turnover on Futures and Options segment
Table 6-9 Top 20 Futures contracts according to number of contracts traded in 2011-12
Table 6-10 Top 20 Option contracts according to number of contracts traded in 2011-12
Table 6-11 Number of trades in the Futures & Options segment
Table 6-12 Settlement Statistics in F&O segment

Chapter 7: Currency Derivatives Segment

Section Particulars
Table 7-1 Business Growth of Currency Derivatives Segment at NSE
Table 7-2 Records achieved in the Currency Futures & Options
Table 7-3 Top 5 Currency Futures & Options Contracts on the basis of turnover for the FY 2011-12
Table 7-4 Settlement Statistics of Currency Derivatives Segment at NSE
Table 7-5 Business Growth of Interest Rate Futures
Table 7-6 Records Achieved in the Interest Rate Futures
Table 7-7 Top 5 IRD Contracts on the basis of Turnover for the FY 2011-12
Table 7-8 Settlement Statistics in Interest Rate Futures Segment at NSE

Chapter 8: Investor Services, Arbitration

Section Particulars
Table 8-1 Receipt and Disposal of Investor's Grievance
Table 8-2 Status Report of Arbitration matters
Updated on: 05/04/2024