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Login to Mutual Fund, NCFM

Grants of Rights & Privileges to users in ENIT

Exchange has introduced a facility for Trading Members of the Exchange. The application is called ‘ENIT’ – Electronic NSE Interface for Trading Members.  This is is fully functional electronic, internet enabled application. This interface provides a two way communication mechanism,  to exchange information on various processes between the trading members and the Exchange. 

With the advent of various utilities through ENIT, introduced a User Management tool in ENIT for Trading Members to create and manage "Users" under the application. 

User Management

(Circular No. 568 with download reference no. NSE/MEMB/8364   dated January 12, 2007)

Download reference no. NSE/MEMB/8364 (.zip)

As you may be aware, the Exchange has introduced a new facility called ‘ENIT or Electronic NSE Interface for Trading Members which is a fully electronic, internet enabled application. This interface provides a two way mechanism for exchange of information for various processes between the Trading Members and the Exchange. Currently, there is one login ID which is given to the user which is:

  • Corporate manager ID for Trading and Clearing Members in Capital Market and F&O Corporate manager ID + Code for Professional Clearing Member
  • Privilege ID + Code for Wholesale Debt Market segment

With the invention of various utilities through ENIT, we have been receiving various representations from Members to provide different login IDs for different utilities since the information cannot be shared between different users using different utilities.

Taking into view the same, to facilitate the Members, we intend to introduce a User Management tool in ENIT wherein the current user (to be termed as the Admin User of the Member) would be allowed to create and manage 10 users under it. The Admin User can create these users, reset their passwords and also delete these users.

The path for the same would be ENIT > Members Login > Users. The username created will, by default, be prefixed with the 5 digit Trading Member SEBI code. Members can input 7 characters after the 5 digit code as their User ID.
E.g. SEBI Code 12345, 7 character username desired is 1B3D5F7. In this case, the username would be 123451B3D5F7 (Please note that the username should be more than 1 digit (alphanumeric) and can be up to 7 digits).

Updated on: 02/01/2023