26-Mar-2025 | 86.9500

06-Mar-2025 15:01

Lac Crs 439.07 | Tn $ 5.28


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Advisory - Investors

  • Ensure that pay-out of funds/securities is received in your account within 1 working day from the date of pay-out.
  • Be careful while executing the PoA (Power of Attorney) - specify all the rights that the stock broker can exercise and timeframe for which PoA is valid. It may be noted that PoA is not a mandatory requirement as per SEBI / Exchanges.
  • Register for online applications viz Speed-e and Easiest provided by Depositories for online delivery of securities as an alternative to PoA.
  • Ensure that you receive Contract Notes within 24 hours of your trades and Statement of Account at least once in a quarter from your Stock Broker
  • Please note that securities provided by you towards margin are not permitted to be pledged by your Stock Broker for raising funds. 
  • If you have opted for running account, please ensure that the stock broker settles your account regularly and in any case not later than 90 days (or 30 days if you have opted for 30 days settlement). 
  • Do not keep funds and securities idle with the Stock Broker.  
  • Regularly login into your account to verify balances and verify the demat statement received from depositories for correctness.
  • Check messages sent by Exchanges on a monthly basis regarding funds and securities balances reported by the trading member and immediately raise a concern if you notice a discrepancy.
  • Always keep your contact details viz Mobile number / Email ID updated with the stock broker. You may take up the matter with Stock Broker / Exchange if you are not receiving the messages from Exchange / Depositories regularly.
  • If you observe any discrepancies in your account or settlements, immediately take up the same with your stock broker and if the Stock Broker does not respond, with the Exchange/Depositories

Media coverage and Press releases issued to caution investors

Exchange cautions and advice investors about unauthorized market practices such as assured/guaranteed returns in stock market, offerings to handle trading account of investor by asking investors to share their user ID and password by certain individuals or entities. Exchange, on being notified about such practice cautions the market participants by way of press releases against such schemes/ products offered. 

The investors may note that for any kind of disputes related to such prohibited schemes the following recourses will NOT be available to investors:

  • Benefits of investor protection under Exchange's Jurisdiction
  • Exchange dispute resolution mechanism
  • Investor grievance redressal mechanism administered by Exchange.

Press Releases issued by exchange_2.pdf

Updated on: 15/03/2024