Nifty Bank F&O
A futures contract is a forward contract, which is traded on an Exchange. BANK Nifty futures Contract would be based on the index BANK NIFTY index. (Selection criteria for indices)
NSE defines the characteristics of the futures contract such as the underlying index, market lot, and the maturity date of the contract. The futures contracts are available for trading from introduction to the expiry date.
Contract Specifications
Security descriptor
The security descriptor for the BANK Nifty futures contracts is:
- Market type : N
- Instrument Type : FUTIDX
- Underlying : BANKNIFTY
- Expiry date : Date of contract expiry
- Instrument type represents the instrument i.e. Futures on Index.
- Underlying symbol denotes the underlying index which is BANK Nifty.
- Expiry date identifies the date of expiry of the contract
Underlying Instrument
The underlying index is BANK NIFTY.
Trading cycle
BANKNIFTY futures contracts have a maximum of 3-month trading cycle - the near month (one), the next month (two) and the far month (three). A new contract is introduced on the trading day following the expiry of the near month contract.
Expiry day
BANKNIFTY futures contracts expire on the last Thursday of the expiry month. If the last Thursday is a trading holiday, the contracts expire on the previous trading day.
Note: Effective from trade date March 01, 2024, there is a revision in BANKNIFTY Monthly and Quarterly Contract cycle expiry day from existing THURSDAY to WEDNESDAY (for more information, please refer NSE circular NSE/FAOP/60011).
Trading Parameters
Contract size
The value of the futures contracts on BANKNIFTY may not be less than Rs. 5 lakhs at the time of introduction. The permitted lot size for futures contracts & options contracts shall be the same for a given underlying or such lot size as may be stipulated by the Exchange from time to time.
Download the file for permitted lot size (.csv)
Price steps
The price step in respect of BANKNIFTY futures contracts is Re.0.05.
Base Prices
Base price of BANKNIFTY futures Contracts on the first day of trading would be theoretical futures price.. The base price of the contracts on subsequent trading days would be the daily settlement price of the futures contracts.
Price bands
There are no day minimum/maximum price ranges applicable for BANKNIFTY futures contracts. However, in order to prevent erroneous order entry by trading members, operating ranges are kept at +/- 10 %. In respect of orders which have come under price freeze, members would be required to confirm to the Exchange that there is no inadvertent error in the order entry and that the order is genuine. On such confirmation the Exchange may approve such order.
Quantity freeze
The applicable quantity freeze limit shall be published time to time.
Download the file for quantity freeze (.xls)
Order type/Order book/Order attribute
- Regular lot order
- Stop loss order
- Immediate or cancel
- Spread order
An option gives a person the right but not the obligation to buy or sell something. An option is a contract between two parties wherein the buyer receives a privilege for which he pays a fee (premium) and the seller accepts an obligation for which he receives a fee. The premium is the price negotiated and set when the option is bought or sold. A person who buys an option is said to be long in the option. A person who sells (or writes) an option is said to be short in the option.
The options contracts are European style and cash settled and are based on the BANK NIFTYindex. (Selection criteria for indices)
Contract Specifications
Security descriptor
The security descriptor for the BANKNIFTY options contracts is:
- Market type : N
- Instrument Type : OPTIDX
- Underlying : BANKNIFTY
- Expiry date : Date of contract expiry
- Option Type : CE/ PE
- Strike Price: Strike price for the contract
- Instrument type represents the instrument i.e. Options on Index.
- Underlying symbol denotes the underlying index, which is BANKNIFTY
- Expiry date identifies the date of expiry of the contract
- Option type identifies whether it is a call or a put option., CE - Call European, PE - Put European.
Underlying Instrument
The underlying index is BANK NIFTY.
Trading cycle
BANKNIFTY monthly options contracts have a maximum of 3-month trading cycle - the near month (one), the next month (two) and the far month (three). On expiry of the near month contract, new contracts are introduced at new strike prices for both call and put options, on the trading day following the expiry of the near month contract. The new contracts are introduced for three month duration.
BANKNIFTY weekly options contracts have 4 weekly expires excluding the expiry week of monthly contract. New serial weekly options contract is introduced after expiry of the respective week’s contract.
Nifty Bank index Options will have Three quarterly expiries (March, June, Sept & Dec cycle).
Expiry day
BANKNIFTY monthly options contracts expire on the last Thursday of the expiry month and weekly options contracts expire on every Thursday of the week. If the last Thursday is a trading holiday, the contracts expire on the previous trading day.
Strike Price Intervals
The number of contracts provided in options on index is based on the range in previous day's closing value of the underlying index and applicable as per the following table for all weekly and monthly contracts:
Index Level | Strike Interval | No of Strikes |
All Levels | 100 | 30-1-30 |
All Levels | 500 |
15-1-15 (Including 500 strikes due to strike interval of 100) |
Ref circular no.: NSE/FAOP/59634
The Strike scheme for BANKNIFTY long term Quarterly and Half Yearly expiry option contracts is:
FROM | TO | ||
>2000 | < 4000 | 100 | 5-1-5 |
>4000 | < 5000 | 500 | 2-1-2 |
>5000 | < 6000 | 500 | 3-1-3 |
>6000 | < 7500 | 500 | 4-1-4 |
>7500 | < 15000 | 500 | 5-1-5 |
>15000 | < 25000 | 1000 | 5-1-5 |
>25000 | 1500 | 5-1-5 |
*closing value of respective indices shall be rounded off to the nearest strike price for arriving at the at-the-money strike.
Discontinuation of illiquid strikes:
Exchanges in consultation with SEBI has decided to implement a semi-annual review to discontinue those strikes of BANKNIFTY Long Term Index Option contracts which have zero open interest and not part of the revised strike scheme as per the below criteria:
- All long term index option contracts eligible as per revised strike scheme will continue to be available, irrespective of the open interest.
- All long term index option contracts not eligible as per revised strike scheme and having open interest will continue to be available.
- All long term index option contracts not eligible as per revised strike scheme and with zero open interest will be discontinued.
The strike interval review and discontinuation of illiquid strikes in BANKNIFTY Long Term Index Options shall be conducted on semi-annual basis starting from December 2020 expiry. Accordingly, revision if any, will be implemented after the expiry of respective computation month i.e. expiries of month of June / December.
The strike interval change, if any, shall be communicated through a circular.
Trading Parameters
Contract size
The value of the option contracts on BANKNIFTY may not be less than Rs. 5 lakhs at the time of introduction. The permitted lot size for futures contracts & options contracts shall be the same for a given underlying or such lot size as may be stipulated by the Exchange from time to time.
Download the file for permitted lot size (.csv)
Price steps
The price step in respect of BANK Nifty options contracts is Re.0.05.
Base Prices
Base price of the options contracts, on introduction of new contracts, would be the theoretical value of the options contract arrived at based on Black-Scholes model of calculation of options premiums.
The options price for a Call, computed as per the following Black Scholes formula:
C = S * N (d1) - X * e- rt * N (d2)
and the price for a Put is : P = X * e- rt * N (-d2) - S * N (-d1)
where :
d1 = [ln (S / X) + (r + σ2 / 2) * t] / σ * sqrt(t)
d2 = [ln (S / X) + (r - σ2 / 2) * t] / σ * sqrt(t)
= d1 - σ * sqrt(t)
C = price of a call option
P = price of a put option
S = price of the underlying asset
X = Strike price of the option
r = rate of interest
t = time to expiration
σ = volatility of the underlying
N represents a standard normal distribution with mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1
ln represents the natural logarithm of a number. Natural logarithms are based on the constant e (2.71828182845904).
Rate of interest may be the relevant MIBOR rate or such other rate as may be specified.
The base price of the contracts on subsequent trading days, will be the daily close price of the options contracts. The closing price shall be calculated as follows:
- If the contract is traded in the last half an hour, the closing price shall be the last half an hour weighted average price.
- If the contract is not traded in the last half an hour, but traded during any time of the day, then the closing price will be the last traded price (LTP) of the contract.
If the contract is not traded for the day, the base price of the contract for the next trading day shall be the theoretical price of the options contract arrived at based on Black-Scholes model of calculation of options premiums.
Quantity freeze
The applicable quantity freeze limit shall be published time to time::
Download the file for quantity freeze (.xls)
Order type/Order book/Order attributes
- Regular lot order
- Stop loss order
- Immediate or cancel
- Spread order