26-Mar-2025 | 86.9500

06-Mar-2025 15:01

Lac Crs 439.07 | Tn $ 5.28


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Listing Fees - Debt (Private Placement)

The listing fee applicable from November 01, 2023 is as follows:

The listing fees depend on the issue size:

Particulars Amount ( ₹ )
Initial Listing Fees 7,500.00
Annual Listing fees chargeable per ISIN basis -
Up to ₹100 crore 55,000.00
Above ₹100 crores and up to ₹200 crores 70,000.00
Above ₹200 crores and up to ₹300 crores 1,00,000.00
Above ₹300 crores and up to ₹400 crores 1,50,000.00
Above ₹400 crores and up to ₹500 crores 2,50,000.00

Issuer's having issue size more than INR 500 crores would be charged INR 2,50,000 + additional listing fees of INR 1000/- for every increase of INR 1 crore or part thereof in the issue size (INR) subject to a maximum of INR 10,00,000/-

Annual listing fee payable by an Issuer is capped at INR 10.00 lakhs p.a.

**Excluding statutory taxes

Updated on: 31/10/2023