26-Mar-2025 | 86.9500

06-Mar-2025 15:01

Lac Crs 439.07 | Tn $ 5.28


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Capital Market Analytics

- No restrictions on validity except NCFM certifications Hybrid

For more information, please Contact: info@tradingcampus.in/ 7718989954/8237555768


NSE Academy & Trading Campus presents "Capital Market Analytics" - a certified course to enable students with comprehensive learning on Capital market.

Programme Highlights

  1. 30 hours program
  2. Practical Training to enhance knowledge and skill development
  3. Comprehensive learning of all facets of Capital Market
  4. Coursework Includes: Simulator logins, Web login containing Notes, Videos and Quiz5. Access to Simulator for one complete month after the workshop.
  1. Basics of Securities market
  2. Basics of Technical Analysis
  3. Basics of Options
  4. Practical training using simulator

Please check brochure for complete details

  1. Total duration: 10 days
  2. Batch type: Weekdays
  3. Batch modes: Online & Offline(Only in Mumbai)
  4. Joint digital certification by NSE Acaemy & Trading Campus on successful completion

Course fee: INR 5,000/- plus applicable tax

Minimum SSC

  1. Freshers interested in stock market
  2. Exclusive training on realtime markets by use of simulators
Updated on: 04/11/2023