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Certified Program on Intraday Trading Strategies:Commodites Market

Certified Program on Intraday Trading Strategies:Commodites Market

- No restriction on validity Hybrid

For more information, please Contact: 7718989954/ 7045300842/ info@tradingcampus.in

Certified course enabling students to understand practical implementation of Strategies for Trading Across Various Commodities

Programme Highlights

1. Joint Certification Program By NSE Academy & Trading Campus
2. Simulator Based Practical on Real Time Markets
3. Micro & Macro Parameters Affecting Commodites Market
4. Price Action Analysis For Intraday Trade Setups
5. Master the Swing Trading Strategies
6. Price Action Analysis For Intraday Trade Setups
7. Hands on Experience of Intraday Live erminal                                                                                                                                                         

The aim of the Certified Program on Commodity Trading Strategies is to develop skills and competency of market participants in securities markets

1. Retail Traders
2. Financial Service Professionals
3. Anybody Having Interest in Forex Market Operations

Course fee:

  • INR 15,000/- (ONLINE)
  • INR 20,000/- (OFFLINE)

Minimum HSC

Will Be Able to Trade Across Various Commodity Pairs Successfully

Updated on: 04/11/2023