26-Mar-2025 | 86.9500

06-Mar-2025 15:01

Lac Crs 439.07 | Tn $ 5.28


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Login to Mutual Fund, NCFM


To obtain a copy of PC-SPAN, members are required to:

  • Visit the CME Website - http://www.cmegroup.com/
  • Register as a new user by going to ‘CME Customer Center’ under ‘Login’ in home page
  • Upon registration, login and navigate to the following menu: 
    Portfolio & Risk > CORE Margin Calculator > Download Center > Software > PC SPAN (Free)
  • Download the file according to your OS

Loading SPAN Files of PC-SPAN

  • opy the risk parameter file and the position file in C:/Span4/Data directory (this is the default directory. Files can be copied to any other directory of choice) on the PC where PC-SPAN®software is loaded
  • Launch the PC-SPAN® software
  • Load the Risk Parameter File for the day using the 'Load File' option.
  • After the Risk Parameter File is loaded, the details of contracts can be viewed in the data window.
  • Load the Position File in SPAN.
  • After loading of position file, an icon called "portfolio" is created in the Data Window. A record for each client is visible under the portfolio icon.
  • All the records for the client are shown as red in color.
  • Keep the cursor on the 'portfolio' icon in the data window, and right click on the mouse – the option "Calculate Portfolio Option" will appear. Press "OK",
  • The portfolios are shown in green colour and the margin computed client wise can be viewed.
  • During the day, the positions for each of the clients can be modified by clicking on the icon created for the respective client and entering the additional positions taken by the client/positions reduced by the client. Then recalculate the margins applicable as explained in the earlier steps.
  • A new client can be added in the portfolio icon using the 'New Portfolio' option after right clicking the mouse. The positions to be taken by the new client may be entered and margins computed.

SPAN® is a registered trademark of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, used herein under License. The Chicago Mercantile Exchange assumes no liability in connection with the use of SPAN by any person or entity.

Updated on: 03/01/2023