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Application Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA) Procedure

Main Features of ASBA process

ASBA provides an alternative mode of payment in issues whereby the application money remains in the investor's account till finalization of basis of allotment in the issue.

ASBA process facilitates investors bidding with multiple options, to apply through Self Certified Syndicate Banks (SCSBs), in which the investors have bank accounts. SCSBs are those banks which satisfy the conditions laid by SEBI. SCSBs would accept the applications, verify the application, block the fund to the extent of bid payment amount, upload the details in the web based bidding system of NSE, unblock once basis of allotment is finalized and transfer the amount for allotted shares, to the issuer.

As per sebi circular no CIR/CFD/POLICY CELL/11/2015 dated November 10, 2015. All shall mandatorily use only Application Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA) facility for all issues opening from 01 January, 2016 onwards.

  1. Registration procedure of Self Certified Syndicate Bank (SCSB): In order to register with the Exchange the SCSB has to submit a one time undertaking as per the prescribed format.

    Download prescribed format (.doc)

  2. SCSB List

  3. Registration procedure for Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents (RTAs) and Depository Participants (DPs): In order to register with the Exchange the RTAs/DPs has to submit the application as per the prescribed format attached below :

    Download prescribed format (.doc)

  4. Download List of RTAs and DP (including details of location where Application Forms will be accepted) (.zip)

  5. Apply online through ASBA e-Forms

As per SEBI Cir no SEB/HO/CFD/DIL2/CIR/P/2018/138 dated November 01, 2018. To further streamline the process, the use of Unified Payment Interface (UPI) as a payment mechanism with Application Supported by Block Amount (ASBA) for application in public issues by retail investors through intermediaries (Syndicate members, Registered Stock Brokers, Registrar and Transfer agent and Depository Participants) has been initiated. The process has increased efficiency, eliminated the need for manual intervention at various stages, and has reduced the time duration from issue closure to listing by upto 3 working days.Considering the time required for making necessary changes to the systems and to ensure complete and smooth transition to UPI payment mechanism, the proposed alternate payment mechanism and consequent reduction in timelines is proposed to be introduced in a phased manner as under

Phase I: From January 01, 2019, the UPI mechanism for retail individual investors through intermediaries will be made effective along with the existing process and existing timeline of T+6 days. The same will continue, for a period of 3 months or floating of 5 main board public issues, whichever is later.

Phase II: Thereafter, for applications by retail individual investors through intermediaries, the existing process of physical movement of forms from intermediaries to Self-Certified Syndicate Banks (SCSBs)for blocking of funds will be discontinued and only the UPI mechanism with existing timeline of T+6 days will continue, for a period of 3 months or floating of 5 main board public issues, whichever is later.

UPI based ASBA process

BHIM UPI Registration

Phase III: Subsequently, final reduced timeline will be made effective using the UPI mechanism

FAQs on ASBA IPO for Investors

SEBI FAQ pertaining to use of UPI in ASBA

Updated on: 06/11/2023