26-Mar-2025 | 86.9500

06-Mar-2025 15:01

Lac Crs 439.07 | Tn $ 5.28


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Bidding Workstation

The following windows are displayed on the Trader Workstation screen of the User:

The title bar displays the current time, bidding system name i.e. NEAT-IPO and the date.

The toolbar has functional buttons which can be used with the mouse for quick access to various functions such as Buy Order Entry, Market By Price (MBP), Outstanding Order (OO), Activity Log (AL), Order Status (OS), Market Watch (MW), Order Modification, Order Cancellation, Security List, On-Line Backup, Supplementary Menu and Help. All these functions are also accessible through the keyboard.

The purpose of Market Watch is to view the securities available for bidding.

The Inquiry window enables the user to view information such as Market By Price (MBP), Outstanding Orders (OO), Activity Log (AL), Order Status (OS) and On Line Backup so on. Relevant information for the selected security can be viewed.

  • Market by Price
    The purpose of Market By Price is to enable the Trading Member to view aggregate Offers in the book at given prices. Orders at the best five price points are displayed.
  • Outstanding Orders
    The purpose of Outstanding Orders (OO) is to enable the user to view his own outstanding Offers for a security. The Corporate Manager can view all the OOs for all branches or for a specific branch. Within a specific branch, the Corporate Manager can view OO details for a specific dealer or for all dealers. Similarly, it is possible to view OOs for a particular Application No. or for all Application Nos. The Branch Manager can view all OO details under that Branch i.e. all OOs for all dealers and for all clients or for all clients of a specific dealer. A dealer can view OOs for own User Id only
  • Activity Log
    The Activity Log (AL) shows all the activities which have been performed on any offer belonging to that user. These activities include offer modification and cancellation.
  • Order Status
    The purpose of the Order Status is to look into the status of one of dealers own specific offers. The screen provides the current status of Offers and complete Bid details.

The order window enables the user to enter/modify/cancel Offers. The member will get a download of only those securities for which he is eligible. Trading members can enter only buy offers in book building market. The system does not allow entry of offers at a price less than the floor price or minimum bid size.

The trading members have to enter the following details at the time of the offer: quantity, price, application number, Depository Participant ID, Beneficiary ID, Category, margin amount, and client name. The system requires the application number to be entered twice to avoid data entry errors. Margin amount, application number, category and client names are compulsory fields.

The Message window enables the user to view messages broadcast by the Exchange such as Offer start date, Offer End date, Offer time etc. and other messages like bid confirmation, offer modification, offer cancellation, offers which have resulted in quantity freeze and name and time when the user logs in /logs off from the system, messages specific to the trading member etc. These messages appear as and when the event takes place in a chronological sequence.

The system has a functionality by which an offerer can view the demand at various price points. This is an online real-time graph available by clicking the demand graph icon on the Toolbar.

The following reports are available at the trader workstation:

  • Open orders today
    A report showing the Offers for the dealers belonging to a trading member or a branch of a trading member which are outstanding at the end of the bidding day i.e. all orders entered by all the dealers.
  • Order Log
    It is a report giving the activity log of the offers for the dealers belonging to a trading member or a branch of a trading member. The report shows offers placed today, offers modified today, offers cancelled and offers deleted by the system.
Updated on: 07/08/2023