26-Mar-2025 | 86.9500

06-Mar-2025 15:01

Lac Crs 439.07 | Tn $ 5.28


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Login to Mutual Fund, NCFM

Trading using NEAT / Trader Workstation

The NEAT MFSS features and user navigation for MFSS are described below. For further details Participants are requested to refer to the on-line help facility.

Parameters for Mutual Fund Service System.

Market time 9.00 AM - 3.00 PM MFSS Segment

DP Dividend Payout option
DR Dividend reinvestment option
GR Growth option


Setting up schemes in market watch

The facility is available to the user to set up the schemes on the market watch screen. The user can set up the scheme individually by first pressing the [F4] key and then enters the schemes details like category, symbol and series. Alternatively the user can set up the schemes on the market watch screen through 'Security List'. The schemes set up on market watch allow the user to:

  • View the indicative NAV (i.e. NAV of previous day) for the scheme.
  • Default the scheme descriptor while entering subscription/ redemption request thereby reducing data entry.
  • View scheme details like ISIN, limits etc. by double click on the scheme.

The facility is available to the user to list the schemes available for trading on NEAT-MF The user can search for the schemes by filtering on scheme category, symbol, series, ISIN code, scheme name, AMC code.

The facility is available to the user to set the client details. The user shall not be allowed to place an order for the client if registration details of the client are not maintained.

The user can modify/ delete client registration already maintained subject to certain restrictions. A bulk upload facility is also available to set up client registration.

A client is registered as an individual client in client registration process described above. However, depository accounts can be maintained in joint accounts.

Firstly the user is required to register all joint holders for the depository account if subscription/ redemption request is to be entered with depository settlement. Then the user is required to maintain DP master for such clients.

The facility is available to the user to maintain DP Master of the client. The user is required to provide depository ID and client beneficiary ID along with client codes. The sequence in which client codes are entered shall be the same as available for depository ID and client beneficiary ID combination.

This one time set up of DP master is must if the user wishes to enter subscription/ redemption request for the client with depository settlement.

This facility is available to the user to enter the subscription and redemption order by pressing the [F1] and [F2] key respectively.

The user can request following types of subscription/ redemption requests:

  • Physical Subscription - Fresh (first time)
  • Physical Subscription - Additional
  • Depository Subscription - Fresh (first time)
  • Depository Subscription - Additional
  • Physical Redemption
  • Depository Redemption

The user can declare upfront whether the subscription/ redemption request would be settled in physical mode ('N') or depository mode ('Y').

The user can request for fresh or additional subscription. For additional subscription in physical mode folio number would be mandatory.This field is not applicable for redemption requests.

This is optional field.

If the DP Settlement is 'Y', it is mandatory for the user to enter depository details. The user must enter depository ID and client beneficiary ID available in DP master. The client codes linked to the combination are picked up from DP master and relevant details for such clients are picked up from the client registration.

If the DP Settlement is 'N', it is mandatory to enter the folio number for additional subscriptions and redemption requests.

The user is allowed to place order amount in multiples of rupees. Minimum amounts are specified at the scheme level for fresh and additional subscription. The subscription order would be rejected if the order amount is not greater than or equal to the amount specified.

Similarly, maximum amount is specified at the scheme level for physical redemption. Physical redemption order would be rejected if the order amount is equal to or greater than the amount specified.

No subscription/ redemption order should be entered with amount equal to or greater than Rs. 1 crore. For depository redemption order amount is not applicable.

The user is allowed place order quantity only for redemption requests. Maximum quantity is specified at the scheme level for physical redemption. Physical redemption order would be rejected if the order quantity is equal to or greater than the amount specified.

For physical subscription and redemption orders the user would enter the client code and mode of holding. The mode of holding can be 'Single' (SI) / 'Joint' (JO) / 'Anyone or Survivor' (AS) For depository subscription and redemption orders the client codes would be defaulted from the depository master for the given DP ID - Beneficiary ID combination. The user would not be allowed to change the default client codes.

For the client code entered client name, PAN and KYC information shall be displayed from Client Registration. The user would not be allowed to change this information. For subscription request above Rs. 50,000/- KYC must be completed ('Y') for all the clients entered for the order.

Following additional facilities are provided along with order entry:

  • The facility to submit the bulk orders using offline order entry facility.
  • The facility to take online backups of orders entered by the user for the day.
  • The facility to print the confirmation slips either online or offline.

This facility is available to the users to view the outstanding orders in particular scheme. This information is available only for the current day. Subscription and redemption orders would be presented separately. A facility is available to modify or cancel particular order displayed in the list.

This facility is available for the user to modify or cancel specific outstanding orders. This is available only during the market hours. The user would not be allowed to modify symbol, series, scheme name and depository settlement.

This facility is available for the user to track order entry/ modification/ cancellation activities performed for specific scheme.

This facility is available to the user to view interactive messages (i.e. sign on/ sign off, transaction messages like order confirmation, order modifications etc.) and market messages sent by the exchange.

Following trading member firm level risk management features are provided along with order entry:

  • The facility is available to the corporate manager to set the limit on the total value of orders that can be entered by the specific branch within the trading member's firm by specifying the branch order value limit.
  • The facility is available to the corporate manager or branch manager to set the day limit on the total value of the orders that can be entered by the specific user within the trading member's firm by specifying the user order value limit.
  • The facility is available to the dealer to the set quantity / amount limits for individual orders entered by self by specifying the order limit.
Updated on: 03/01/2023