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FAQs on User ID


The trading system of the Exchange is accessed by the trading member through various modes of connectivity with a unique identification number called User id. In order to access the trading system using NEAT front-end, trading members shall need to use NEAT user ids.

Incase trading members are using customized Non-NEAT front-end, they may use a NEAT converted CTCL ids or non-NEAT user id to access the trading system.

User id is a unique identification number using which a trading member accesses the trading system of the Exchange.

The different categories of user ids are:

  • NEAT user ids
  • Non-Neat user ids
  • CTCL user ids

An approved User is a person in whose name the NEAT User ID is allotted.

The first user id allotted to the trading member is called the corporate manager id. Corporate manager is highest in the user hierarchy of the member and has control of all branch managers and users of the trading member.

The first user id allotted on each additional connectivity of the member is called the branch manager. The branch manager has control over all dealers belonging to his branch.

All other users of the trading member, who are neither Corporate Manager nor Branch Manager(s) are termed as dealers.

You may refer to circular “Consolidated Circular on matters relating to User Id request” (Reference no. NSE/MSD/34638 dated April 13, 2017).

The request for creation of new user id shall be submitted through ENIT. The path is as follows: New ENIT>Trade>User Id request>New Neat User Id.

Since request for user ids submitted through ENIT are digitally signed, submission of physical documents is not required.

Certification is not required for each user in Capital Market segment. However, the Corporate Manager and Branch Manager(s) needs to possess a valid NCFM Dealer’s Module / NISM Series VII certification.

Yes, every user needs to possess valid certificate of any of the following modules:

  1. NISM Series VIII: Equity Derivatives Certification Examination; or
  2. NISM Continuing Professional Education for Equity Derivatives; or
  3. NISM Series XIII: Common Derivatives Certification Examination

Yes, every user needs to possess valid certificate of any of the following modules:

  1. NISM Series I: Currency Derivatives Certification Examination; or
  2. NISM Continuing Professional Education for Currency Derivatives; or
  3. NISM Series XIII: Common Derivatives Certification Examination

Yes, every user needs to possess valid certificate of any of the following modules:

  1. NISM Series IV: IRD Certification Examination; or
  2. NISM Series XIII: Common Derivatives Certification Examination

No. The certificate should have a minimum validity of 30 days from the date of application.

Valid User Id requests complete in all respects received till 1:30 p.m. on a working day shall be processed on the same day and requests, if any thereafter, shall be processed on the next working day.

The status of request can be viewed in ENIT on the following path: New ENIT>Trade>User Id Request>Neat User Id request Report.

The user id allotted shall be updated against the status of the request in ENIT on the following path: New ENIT>Trade>User Id Request>Neat User Id request Report. The same can also be viewed in Active NEAT Ids (Report) available in ENIT on the following path: New ENIT>Trade>User Id Request> Active NEAT Ids (Report).

The reason for rejection shall be updated against the request on the following path on ENIT: New ENIT >Trade>User Id Request>Neat User Id request Report.

Trading member shall ensure that the approved user appears for and clears the relevant certification preferable one month before the expiry of the validity of the certificate.

The validity of the certificate needs to be updated on ENIT on the following path: New ENIT>Trade>User Id Request>Neat User Id Validity Updation.

Yes, you may replace the name against the user id by submitting a request for “Change NEAT user name” available on the following path on ENIT: New ENIT>Trade>User Id Request>Change Neat User Name.

Valid requests complete in all respects received till 1:30 p.m. on a working day shall be processed on the same day and requests, if any thereafter, shall be processed on the next working day.

The maximum number of Users that can be created are 50 User IDs per segment availed, per connectivity.

The different categories of User IDs where shifting is permitted are: 

  1. NEAT User IDs 
  2. NNF User IDs (including Non-Neat User IDs)

The segment-wise user-limit file is available to members on all trading days on the following Extranet path : <Member Code>folder/Reports/Order_Reports.

Request for shifting of an existing NEAT User ID from one connectivity to another can be placed at the following path on ENIT: ENIT > TRADING > USER ID REQUEST > SHIFTING OF NEAT USER ID.

The following points shall be noted while placing shifting of User ID requests: 

  1. If the Neat dealer ID being shifted is the 1st User ID on destination connectivity branch, then the User ID will become a Branch Manager ID.

  2. If the Neat User ID being shifted as a Branch Manager:
    1. The ascending NEAT User ID in the source connectivity branch becomes Branch manager.
    2. The shifting Branch manager shall become a Dealer in case Branch manager already exists in the destination connectivity.
    3. The shifting Branch manager shall become a Branch manager in case Branch manager does not exist in the destination connectivity.
  3. While shifting all the User IDs from one connectivity to another, it is recommended that the User IDs  be shifted in the below reverse hierarchy manner: 
    1. NNF dealer IDs  
    2. NEAT dealer IDs 
    3. Branch Manager/Corporate Manager ID. 
  4. While shifting an NNF ID, Members may ensure that a Branch Manager is present on the destination connectivity branch. Similarly, while shifting a NEAT ID, atleast one NEAT User ID shall be present in the source connectivity branch in case there are existing NNF Users on the source branch. 
  5. Members are advised to exercise due caution while placing multiple conflicting User ID / connectivity service requests on a single day, to avoid unnecessary rejections. 

  6. Once shifting of User IDs is completed, the following 3 things are removed/reset from the User ID:

    1. Dual Locking 
    2. Limits 
    3. Proprietary rights if any. 

Members are advised to place the necessary service requests once the User IDs have been successfully shifted.

The maximum number of Users that can be created are 50 User IDs per segment availed, per connectivity. Members are advised to be mindful of the same while placing User ID shifting request to avoid unnecessary rejections.

Valid User ID requests complete in all respects and received till 1:30 p.m. on a working day shall be processed on the same day. Requests, if any thereafter, shall be processed on the next working day.

The status of requests can be viewed in ENIT on the following path: Trade>User ID Request>Neat User ID request Report.

The reason for rejection shall be updated against the request on the following path on ENIT: Trade > User ID Request > Neat User ID request Report.

Download FAQs on NEAT User IDs (.pdf)


“This document/FAQ has been drafted in order to ease Member’s/reader’s understanding of the subject matter. The information and/ or content (collectively ‘Information’) provided herein is general information only and NSE has issued detailed circulars to that effect from time to time. While reasonable care has been exercised to ensure that the Information is adequate and reliable, no representation is made by NSE as to its accuracy or completeness and NSE, its affiliates and subsidiaries accept no liability of whatsoever nature for any direct or consequential loss, including without limitation any loss of profits, arising from reliance on this Information. The readers are expected to undertake their own diligence and are advised not to solely rely on this document. Any such reliance shall be at the reader’s own risk. Nothing stated herein shall bind NSE, in any manner whatsoever.”


Trading members create 12 digit ids to allow their users to access the Exchange trading system using the NNF facility.

12 digit NNF ids are created by trading members for their approved persons to enable them to access Exchange trading system using the NNF facility.

The structure of the 12 digit ID should be on the basis of the NNF facility it is being used for. Trading members may refer to the below table for creation of 12 digit ids:

NNF facility 12 digit id Additional checkpoints
Computer to Computer Link (CTCL)   Pin code (6 digit), Branch Code (3 digit), Terminal id (3 digit) Terminal ids and branch ids to be of 3 digits each Trading members to create terminal ids segment-wise and branch-wise in a sequential manner
Internet based trading (IBT)   111111111111 (12 times “1”) Details of NEAT user id enabled for internet trading to be mentioned in the request
Direct Market Access (DMA)   222222222222 (12 times “2”) Details of NEAT user id enabled for DMA to be mentioned in the request
Security trading thought wireless technology facility (STWT) 333333333333 (12 times “3”) Details of NEAT user id enabled for STWT to be mentioned in the request

An approved user is a person in whose name the NEAT User ID is allotted.

An approved person is a person who operates the NNF terminal.

An approved user whose NEAT user ID is enabled for NNF can have a 12 digit terminal allotted in their name. Other Approved Users cannot have simultaneously a NEAT user ID and NNF ID in their name.

If the NNF terminal is allotted by a registered authorized Person of the member to a person other than its employee who is holding a valid certificate, such a person shall be treated as “Approved Person of Authorized Person”.

NNF ID’s can be used for Trading, Testing, Admin or View purposes.

All approved persons are required to have valid certification. If the certificate has expired or is no longer valid, trading members are required to de-activate the NNF ID.

As per existing requirement, certification is not mandatory for NNF ID’s created for CM segment.

Yes, trading members are required to report the details of 12 digit NNF terminals to the Exchange before routing any order through such terminals to avoid mismatches.

All 12 digit NNF ID’s details need to be reported on ENIT on one of the below paths: 

For Activation: Trade > Member Reporting Pre Trade > CTCL ID Activation

For Modification: Trade > Member Reporting Pre Trade > CTCL ID Modification

For Deactivation: Trade > Member Reporting Pre Trade > CTCL ID Deactivation

For Bulk Reporting(activation/deactivation/modification): Trade > Member Reporting Pre Trade > CTCL Bulk Upload

Yes, trading members can carry out their order activity on the same day post upload of their NNF terminals through ENIT. The 12 digit terminal ID will be considered as active from the date mentioned by the member in the CTCL activation request.

In case members intend to deactivate an NNF user and then activate the same user from the next day, then member need to place the deactivation request in advance and ensure the activation date is greater than the deactivation date of that NNF User. Kindly note deactivation date cannot be the same day of request submission date.

Certain details of office address and proposed user details are modifiable.

Failure to upload the details or upload of incorrect details will lead to CTCL Id mismatch, and result in levy of penalty.

Provisional CTCL mismatches file is provided by the Exchange to trading members on daily basis so as to enable them to take immediate corrective action and avoid penalty charges by reporting the correct terminals details. The report is available on the following path in ENIT: Trade > Trade Compliance (Post Trade) > Provisional CTCL Mismatch (Report).

Note: Provisional CTCL Mismatch report is only an additional facility for the ease & convenience of the trading members. Members are required to upload complete and correct NNF IDs details to the exchange before sending orders through the said terminal.

You may refer to circular “Consolidated Circular on matters relating to User Id request” (Reference no. NSE/MSD/34638 dated April 13, 2017).

Download FAQs on 12 digit NNF IDs (.pdf)


“This document/FAQ has been drafted in order to ease Member’s/reader’s understanding of the subject matter. The information and/ or content (collectively ‘Information’) provided herein is general information only and NSE has issued detailed circulars to that effect from time to time. While reasonable care has been exercised to ensure that the Information is adequate and reliable, no representation is made by NSE as to its accuracy or completeness and NSE, its affiliates and subsidiaries accept no liability of whatsoever nature for any direct or consequential loss, including without limitation any loss of profits, arising from reliance on this Information. The readers are expected to undertake their own diligence and are advised not to solely rely on this document. Any such reliance shall be at the reader’s own risk. Nothing stated herein shall bind NSE, in any manner whatsoever.”


The trading system of the Exchange is accessed by the trading member through various modes of connectivity with a unique identification number called User id.

In order to access the trading system using NEAT front-end, trading members shall need to use NEAT user ids.

Incase trading members are using customized front-end other than Exchange provided, they may use a NNF ids or Non-NEAT user id and create 12 digit to access the trading system

The Exchange provides a NEAT (National Exchange for Automated Trading) front-end to all its trading members to enable them to trade on NSE’s trading system.

Yes, in case the member wants trading front-end according to his requirements instead of using Exchange provided front end (NEAT), they can develop their own front end or they have an option to procure the same from the vendors empanelled with the Exchange.

The following NNF facilities are currently available at the Exchange:

  • Computer to Computer Link (CTCL)
  • Internet based trading (IBT)
  • Direct Market Access (DMA)
  • Security trading through wireless technology facility (STWT)
  • Automated /Algorithm Trading (ALGO)
  • Smart order router (SOR)

After relevant documentation and approval of the front-end other than provided by the exchange, members shall place request for conversion of their NEAT user ids to CTCL/NNF facility or apply for creation of Non-NEAT user/terminal through ENIT.

The request for conversion of NEAT user ids to CTCL/NNF facility shall be submitted through ENIT. The path is as follows: Trade>User Id request>NEAT to CTCL Conversion.

Yes, you can login to NEAT application using the NNF user id. However, order placement to be done through12 digit ID’s only.

Valid requests complete in all respects received till 1:30 p.m. on a working day shall be processed on the same day and requests, if any thereafter, shall be processed on the next working day.

The status of request can be viewed in ENIT on the following path: Trade>User Id Request> NEAT to CTCL Report.

Member should seek NNF product approval from the exchange before submitting the request for conversion NEAT user id to CTCL.

In addition to NNF ids, Exchange offers a separate category of Non-NEAT user ids which members may create for the purposes of accessing the trading system using front end other than provided by the exchange.

Unlike NNF ID’s, Non-NEAT user ids:

  • Cannot login thorough NEAT/NEAT Plus
  • ID’s are not user specific hence certification is not required however, certificates are required for each 12 digit ID as per the segmental certification policy of the exchange in this regards updated from time to time.

The request for new Non-NEAT user id shall be submitted through ENIT. The path is as follows: Trade>User Id request>New Non Neat User id.

Yes, you may convert CTCL id to Non-NEAT user id by submitting a request through ENIT on the following path: Trade>User Id request>Conversion of CTCL to Non Neat User id.

You may submit the request through ENIT on the following path: Trade>User Id request>Disablement of Non Neat User.

Valid requests complete in all respects received till 1:30 p.m. on a working day shall be processed on the same day and requests, if any thereafter, shall be processed on the next working day.

The status of request can be viewed in ENIT on the following path: Trade>User Id Request> Non NEAT Request Status (Report).

You may refer to circular “Consolidated Circular on matters relating to User Id request” (Reference no. NSE/MSD/34638 dated April 13, 2017).

Download FAQs on NEAT converted CTCL/Non-Neat User Ids


“This document/FAQ has been drafted in order to ease Member’s/reader’s understanding of the subject matter. The information and/ or content (collectively ‘Information’) provided herein is general information only and NSE has issued detailed circulars to that effect from time to time. While reasonable care has been exercised to ensure that the Information is adequate and reliable, no representation is made by NSE as to its accuracy or completeness and NSE, its affiliates and subsidiaries accept no liability of whatsoever nature for any direct or consequential loss, including without limitation any loss of profits, arising from reliance on this Information. The readers are expected to undertake their own diligence and are advised not to solely rely on this document. Any such reliance shall be at the reader’s own risk. Nothing stated herein shall bind NSE, in any manner whatsoever.”

The below mentioned terminals are applicable for tagging- 

  • NNF 
  • NON-NEAT  
  • 12-digit terminals  

Members can tag the existing users as Algo/ Non Algo through new modules developed on ENIT on path- 

  • Exchange allotted terminal (up to 5 digit):
    Trade > User id Request > NNF User Algo/Non Algo Mapping. 

  • Member reported terminal (12 digit):
    Trade > Member reporting Pre-Trade > CTCL User Algo/Non Algo Mapping.

Member can tag the new terminal as Algo/ Non Algo while creating a new user through below mentioned modules- 

  • New Neat user id 
  • New Non-Neat User id 
  • CTCL id activation 

If a terminal is used only to route Algo order, then such terminals may be tagged as Algo, if member desire so. 

If a terminal is used to route Algo and Non Algo order or only Non algo order, then such terminals should be tagged as Non Algo, if member desire so. 

No, a unique PAN can either be tagged as Algo or Non Algo. 

E.g. If a user ‘2233’ with name ‘ABCD’ and PAN ‘ABCDE1111F’ is tagged as Algo and another user id ‘3344’ is created with name ‘ABCD’ and PAN ‘ABCDE1111F’, then user id ‘3344’ also should be tagged as Algo.

Yes, member can change the tagging through the new module. Path for the new module mentioned in question no 2. However, all user ids mapped with that PAN need to be tagged as Algo.  

Yes, the tagging for a terminal can be changed from Algo to Non Algo for a PAN mapped to a single terminal. In case multiple terminals are created/present on that PAN, then the member needs to deactivate all the additional terminals mapped with that PAN and then convert the single terminal from Algo to Non Algo.

  • An Algo tagged NNF user can do CTCL ULC Mapping with another Algo tagged user (NNF/ NON-NEAT) located across cities and with a Non Algo tagged user located at the same location. 
  • An Algo tagged NON-NEAT user can do CTCL ULC Mapping with another Algo tagged NNF user and NON-NEAT users located across cities.

Yes, CTCL ULC mapping shall be removed if the tagging for a user is changed from Algo to Non Algo. 

Yes, Algo tagged user can do multilocking with IPs located across cities.

Only CTCL & DMA terminals can be tagged as Algo.

If a terminal is tagged as Algo, such terminals should be used only to place Algo orders. Members are required to populate correct identifier in the 13th field provided in the order structure (15 digit) for every order. 

If a terminal is tagged as Non Algo, such terminals can be used to place Algo as well as Non Algo orders. Members are required to populate correct identifier in the 13th field provided in the order structure (15 digit) for every order.

Currently it is not mandatory, however members are recommended to tag the existing terminals.

The new modules applicable for Algo/ Non Algo tagging shall be available on ENIT w.e.f August 10, 2021 BOD.

Download FAQs Updation of same PAN against multiple Algo terminals (.pdf)


“This document/FAQ has been drafted in order to ease Member’s/reader’s understanding of the subject matter. The information and/ or content (collectively ‘Information’) provided herein is general information only and NSE has issued detailed circulars to that effect from time to time. While reasonable care has been exercised to ensure that the information is adequate and reliable, no representation is made by NSE as to its accuracy or completeness and NSE, its affiliates and subsidiaries accept no liability of whatsoever nature for any direct or consequential loss, including without limitation any loss of profits, arising from reliance on this Information. The readers are expected to undertake their own diligence and are advised not to solely rely on this document. Any such reliance shall be at the reader’s own risk. Nothing stated herein shall bind NSE, in any manner whatsoever.”

Updated on: 02/01/2023