26-Mar-2025 | 86.9500

06-Mar-2025 15:01

Lac Crs 439.07 | Tn $ 5.28


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Board Number
Tel No: 022  2659 8100 / 022 2659 8114 / 022 6641 8100

Toll Free Numbers

Members may kindly refer to Help Guide for identifying the list of activities for which they may reach out to the Trade Support toll free number.

Click here for Help Guide

Toll Free no: 1800 266 0050  (Select IVR option 1)

Charged no: 022 68645400022 50998100  (Select IVR option 1)

Timings : 8:00 AM to 2:00 AM on subsequent day (Monday to Friday)

Email Id: msm@nse.co.in

Only in-case if toll free service is unavailable, members may reach out to Trade Support on 9987016267 and 9987016268. Alternatively, members may also reach us on the support email id.

Toll Free no: 1800 266 0050  (Select IVR option 2)

Charged no: 022 68645400022 50998100  (Select IVR option 2)

Timings : 08:00 AM to 02:00 AM on subsequent day (Monday to Friday)

Email: support@nsccl.co.in

Only in-case if toll free service is unavailable, members may reach out to NSE Clearing Support on 9987014769 and 9987015465. Alternatively, members may also reach us on the support email id.

Section Telephone No. Email id
Clearing & Settlement - (CM) 18002660050 (IVR Option 2) securities_ops@nsccl.co.in
Clearing & Settlement - (F&O) 18002660050 (IVR Option 2) fao_clearing_ops@nsccl.co.in
Collaterals 18002660050 (IVR Option 2) collaterals_ops@nsccl.co.in
Connect2NSE 18002660050 (IVR Option 2) connect2nse@nse.co.in
Corporate Bond Clearing 18002660050 (IVR Option 2) cbclearing@nsccl.co.in
Currency Derivatives Segment 18002660050 (IVR Option 2) cds_clearing_ops@nsccl.co.in
Funds 18002660050 (IVR Option 2) nsccl_funds@nsccl.co.in
Risk Management 18002660050 (IVR Option 2) risk_ops@nsccl.co.in
Securities Lending and Borrowing (SLBS) 18002660050 (IVR Option 2) slbnsccl@nsccl.co.in

Toll Free no: 1800 266 0050  (Select IVR option 3)

Charged no: 022 68645400022 50998100 (Select IVR option 3)

Timings : 9:30 AM to 5:45 PM (Monday to Friday)

Section Fax Telephone No. Email id
Compliance 022 26598194   memcompliance_support@nse.co.in

Toll Free no: 1800 266 0050 (Select IVR option 5)

Timings : 9:30 AM to 5:45 PM (Monday to Friday)

Section Fax Email id
Investor Grievance Cell 022 26598191 ignse@nse.co.in

Toll Free No: 1800 266 0050 (Select IVR option 4)

Timings : 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM (Monday to Friday)

Section Fax Email id
Listing Compliance - compliancecustomersupport@nse.co.in
Listing Approvals - listingcustomersupport@nse.co.in

Charged no: 022 68646464

Timings: 09:30 AM to 05:45 PM (Monday to Friday)

Section Fax Email id
Inspection - compliance_assistance@nse.co.in
NSE Academy 022 68646464 ncfm@nse.co.in

Department wise contacts

Section Fax Telephone No. Email id
Finance & Accounts 022 26598394 022 26598142(for Trading Members queries) acctsmem@nse.co.in
Finance & Accounts 022 26598394 022 26598365(for Listing Bills Queries) vneelakantan@nse.co.in
Human Resources 022 26598133 022 26598362 career@nse.co.in
Indices 022 26598120 022 26598386 indices@nse.co.in
Listing Compliance - 022 26598235/36 takeover@nse.co.in
Listing Approvals - 022 26598235/36 listingcustomersupport@nse.co.in
Marketing - 022 26598380 nsecrm@nse.co.in
NSE Research - 022 26598163/8217 epr@nse.co.in
Unique Client Identity (UCI) 022 26598195 1800 266 0050 (Select Option 5) uci@nse.co.in
International Affairs - 022 26598217 international@nse.co.in
Website Support - - nsewebmaster@nse.co.in


Updated on: 24/07/2024